Sunday, August 6, 2017

Blast Off to the Last Unit

I don't know if I included this somewhere or not, but here goes. Pierscen's last unit for school was all about Space.  The previous unit was Around the World. Here's what they learned:

Travel necessities
Study of Iran
Study of Poland 
Study of Kenya
Study of Hawaii
Study of Greece
Study of Bolivia
Study of Africa
Study of Jamaica
Study of England
Study of the equator
Study of Ireland
Study of Scotland
Study of Guatemala
Study of Germany
Study of compasses and time zones
Study of Iceland
Study of Leprechauns

For each of these countries, they had parents of the kids come in and teach either who had lived or visited there. It was pretty neat. 

And here are some pictures of the preschool for the space unit:

Their circle time/lesson area was the inside of a space rocket. On one of the days that I was parent helper, they traced each of the kids so that they could turn their outline into an astronaut. Very clever. 

There's Pierscen being traced below:

Things learned during their unit on Space:

Study of the universe
Study of the solar system
Study of Uranus
Study of Mercury
Study of Venus
Study of astronauts
Study of rockets
Study of Earth
Study of Earth's Moon
Study of Robots
Study of Mars

I imagine the other planets were in there too. ;) I never ceased to be amazed at how much these kids were learning and the level of care the teachers put into things. Honestly the most amazing program ever!

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