Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Family Pictures

Because Ryan missed the family pictures in Utah, my mom asked us to find a place that looked similar to where we did our pictures in Utah and then snap some family shots so she could have one of all the individual families.

Admittedly, the easiest thing would have been to go to one of the many parks around the city and take a picture there. It at least would have matched pretty decently. However, we wanted to do them up the canyon. This wouldn't have been an issue, but we kind of waited a too long (meaning the green was kind of gone). The result - well, they definitely won't match the ones we had done in Utah, but I am SO happy with the colors. It was gorgeous up there! And for not actually having a photographer, I think they turned out pretty good! We just used the tripod and remote to our Cannon. And the important thing is that all three of us are in the picture. Enjoy...

I want to get a big print of one of these pictures and can't decide which one. They are all pretty similar. Thoughts? 


After we got a few shots, Pierscen ran back to the spot where we had been and crouched down because that's what mom and dad were doing. He was all set and ready!

I love these pictures with Ryan. They are so cute together! Kind of melts my heart. :)

Even though it was beautiful, it started getting pretty chilly, so we decided to call it a night. But just before they reached the fence, I asked them to stop and I got a few more great pictures with my phone. Aren't the two of them so stinking handsome?!

I have always wanted to get nice professional pictures done, but they are so expensive! I am hoping that next year we can go up around the same time and get some done. Or... if anyone is willing to come visit and snap some pictures, that'd be cool too. ;)


  1. I vote for B, though they are all really nice! You are so pretty Diana!

  2. i say c it has the best lighting
