Friday, September 14, 2012

8 months

 Guess who turned 8 months?

That's right. This amazing little guy! Can I just say, I am in love! Every day this boy brings so much joy and meaning to my life. I am so lucky to have him. 

Big things for this month:

1. Not one, but 2 whole chompers in that cute little mouth. There is a threatening bump on the top row, but nothing has actually come through yet. Those little teeth on the bottom are cute, but they can be lethal! Watch out. He bites!

2. Houston, we have a crawler. It's true! He took about one or two days to get the basic gist of it, and then off he went. We are in trouble! It is so exciting to watch him. He loves the freedom, but just like everyone tries to warn you, NOTHING is safe any more. And now that he has the crawling down, he is starting to pull himself up on everything. He can get to his feet sometimes, but mostly it's to his knees. And then he cries after a while cause he can't figure out how to get back down. All part of the learning process. 

3. He is easily entertained. Put him in front of a box of Tubberware and you are good to go. Ryan bought him a box of Mega Bloks (giant legos) and he LOVES them. Bright colors, fun to smack together and knock over. It's super cute.

4. He wore his very first 6-9 month outfit at 8.5 months. Yup. The pants drown him. So I put away most of the 3-6 month stuff minus the pants. He still needs those. At least he is getting some long use out of his stuff! :)

He is still a great eater and a good sleeper. Now that he is moving I think his relationship with Dodger is going to evolve quite a bit. They are pretty good pals as it is, but Dodger is going to need to be on his toes.

Yup, those are the biggest things. My favorite thing lately is to sit and let him crawl into my lap and pull himself up where I can just hug and hug him. It's adorable. We love this boy!

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