Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pillow Talk

It's a classic scene. A husband and wife are laying in bed at the end of a long day. As they sink into relaxation, suddenly the wife has the desire to start talking - just a little chit chat to unwind. Maybe get some things off her mind. The next thing you know, the husband is snoring away, classically timed with when the wife asks, "What do you think?"

Yesterday as we were laying down for a Saturday afternoon nap, I started talking about an episode of "Clean House" I saw while at the Rec Center earlier that morning. The couple needing help with sorting through the disaster of their house had moved into the husband's mom's old home who had moved and left a bunch of her belongings included huge ugly furniture and paintings. The wife hated it and wanted it gone, but the husband wanted to keep it because it was calming to him to have things the way they were growing up. I was explaining to Ryan how I could kind of see both sides, but ultimately I think it's important to make wherever you are living feel like your own home. "You need to have your own space, you know?"

No response.

I shook his shoulder.

"Yes!" he shouted. (Notice how well trained he is? It's usually safest to agree with your wife if you aren't sure what is being talked about.)

I shook his shoulder again, obviously not convinced he was awake or listening at all.

"Rabbit! Rabbit!" he shouted. (And just like that I discovered what he was dreaming about.)

I shook his shoulder harder.

"Your own space! Rabbit!"

All I could do was laugh. At least his subconscious was listening to me. Good thing it really wasn't an important conversation. But I am curious to know how rabbits and "your own space" worked together in his dream.

Later that night as we were getting ready for bed, Dodger began a series of soft "woofs" in his sleep. He almost sounded like one of his squeaky toys. We watched him as he lay there dreaming, his "woofs" coming in a random order, "Woof.... woof woof woof... woof.... woof woof..." Ryan and I smiled. That little rabbit must have hopped its way into Dodger's dream as well.

I think my favorite "Rabbit! Rabbit!" like story from Ryan happened months ago. I sat up in bed reading my scriptures while he slept soundly beside me. Without warning, he shot up off the pillow while simultaneously yelling,

"Got it!"

I started giggling. I knew at once what he was talking about, but decided to ask anyway. As his head groggily lowered back to the pillow, his eyes fluttering open and closed in that layer between consciousness and dreamland, I asked,

"What'd ya get?"

"A fish," he sighed sleepily.

"Was it a big one?"

"I don't know. I didn't have it out of the water yet."

I could see it all perfectly in my mind: Ryan crouched beside a river, patiently tossing his fishing line out to the current, careful not to draw attention to himself on the shore when suddenly - BAM! A strong bite. I can see his reaction - the fluid jump to a standing position while jerking back the pole to ensure a strong hook - all while shouting triumphantly, "Got it!"

It's a shame the shout woke him up. I am sure he would have really enjoyed seeing how big the beauty was on the other end.


  1. I love reading this from the wife's perspective. :) I have been on the other end of this exact situation too many times! This morning I answered Debbie by teling her we had a flat tire. She just laughed at me.

  2. I wish Joe had dreams he could remember, or better yet, sleep talk and all that fun stuff. I try to cry in my sleep sometimes, and laugh as well. Joe finds it very entertaining to look over and just see me laughing in my sleep!

  3. Love it! One time I leaned over and told Ethan, "Goodnight, I love you." His response was "Is that why you didn't feed me to the other fishies?" I laughed so hard. I don't think he will ever live that one down.

  4. I FOUND YOUR BLOG! I should get a prize. I am the sleep talker in my family. And I've learned that if people try to wake me up, I get really grumpy even though I have no recollection of it at all.

  5. Oh Ryan and his dreams, I have never meet anyone who dreams about so many animals, alive or dead

  6. Zach is my world class sleep talker.

  7. Crazy! Sometimes I hear Jeff talking in his sleep and I always try to figure out what he is talking/dreaming about. Don't you love trying to have conversations with a tired husband? They don't usually go over very well...
