Saturday, January 29, 2011

Surprise Prize

Remember the grand old rumor that if you found a complete Indian Chief and star on your Tootsie Roll Pop that you could redeem it for a free sucker?

Apparently that isn't true. At least it wasn't started by the company. In fact, they don't really know where it started other than the fact that the Indian Chief and star are only printed on about a 1/3 of the wrappers, thereby making them kind of "special." There are a few independent stores that decided to redeem the wrappers for suckers, but it was not funded or founded by the Tootise Roll Company. Did anyone actually get a free sucker? It seems like I vaguely remember trying to redeem mine at the old Macey's store before they moved, but I don't recall if I ever got anything for it.

Well the other day while teaching piano and eating animal crackers with my student, I came across this:

Kind of cool, right? I think I deserve a prize!


  1. Neato! Did you watch "Unwrapped" to learn all about the Tootsie Roll rumor? haha. That's where I learned it wasn't true.

  2. No, just did a little google research. And confirmed it on Snopes. Hahaha

  3. Isn't the cookie it's own reward? The kid got two cookies in one! :) So what did he get as a prize?

  4. I didn't know you teach piano! That's cool... and I have to say... as a kid I TOTALLY collected and kept all my wrappers with a star and yet... you're right... no memory of ever trying to redeem it. I guess the fun was in the hunt!

  5. Jared - I suppose the cookie was its own reward... but a prize would have been cool. And I was the one that found it. So I ate it. I know, I am such an awesome teacher. Hahaha.
    Ashlee- Yes I think it really was all about the hunt. It was always so exciting to get a whole Indian Chief and star, not just part of one. Good time.

  6. Our local greasy spoon in SF, which also sells candy, btw, would always give you a free sucker if you got the Indian. My sister and I had that opportunity a time or two growing up. Btw, love the blog!
