Thursday, May 30, 2013

Who Is Jamie?

A couple mornings ago, Ryan turned to me and asked, 

"So, did you dream about someone named Jamie last night?"

I thought about it for a while. The last dream I could remember was pretty weird. I know there was a girl named Callie. And some other girl, but I never caught her name. I couldn't recall any Jamie.

"Not that I can remember. Why?"

"Well last night, Dodger jumped off the bed and started scratching at the carpet like he has done the last few nights." (We have no idea why he does this. Maybe he is sleep walking and thinks he is digging outside.) "You sat up and started yelling - and I mean YELLING, 'Jamie stop it! Stop it Jamie!' Dodger of course kept going cause he didn't know who you were yelling at. I thought to myself, 'Yikes. I am just going to stay out of this one.'"

(Can I just add how funny I think it is that Ryan didn't even want to interferre with me being angry in a dream?)

"So I just whispered, 'Dodger, come here.' Dodger stopped digging and came and jumped up on the bed and curled up happily. You flopped back down with a 'humph' and went back to sleep."

I just laughed. I have absolutely NO recollection of any of this. I don't even yell in real life, so that Jamie/Dodger character must have really been something. I am glad I didn't wake up Pierscen!

From there we went on to talk about the name Jamie. We know the name James can go by Jim. And James can also be Jamie. But can Jamie be called James? The only Jamie I have ever known was a girl and she just went by Jamie. My brother James's ex used to call him Jamie, but again, that's James to Jamie, not Jamie to James. Any insight?

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