Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to Wind-oming

Friday morning, June 15th, I woke up bright and early, showered, packed, and prepared to leave. I was planning on going over to say goodbye to Necia, but she beat me to it by showing up at the house instead. 

I apologize in advance to my family for these pictures as no one was happy about me snapping these so early in the morning... but I was kind of moving away... and it just seemed like the right thing to do.

Saying goodbye to family certainly felt surreal. I have never moved away before, so I really had no point of reference. To me, this whole packing and driving out there was just another weekend getaway. I think my family understood far more than I did. 

After breakfast and hugs, Joey, Pierscen and I drove over to my in-law's in the 1996 Nissan Maxima Ryan and I had had since we first got married. The odometer stopped working long before we ever got it, so I have no idea of knowing how hard that car has been worked in the last 16 years, but I have a feeling it was a lot. The battery liked to die about once a year for no apparent reason, but lucky for us, it was always under warranty, so all we ever had to do was switch it out. It had it's bugs, but it was a good car. Unfortunately, not good enough that we felt it was worthy to drive to Wyoming. Honestly, I am sure it would have made the trip just fine, but it's a car that needs to be close to a family mechanic, aka, father-in-law, so we decided to leave it behind for Ryan's sister and brother-in-law. We really only need one car for now anyway.

We got on the road around 8 am. Pierscen and Dodger both travel like champs and we only stopped twice for food or gas.

We arrived around the same time Ryan was getting off work. When we got to the appartment, the boys lost no time starting to unpack. I did my fair share of unloading, but also did a lot of sorting as things came out of the trailer: Apt vs Storage Unit. We made it through a little over half of the stuff when we were hit by a quick, but massive rain storm. We covered up the items going to the storage unit in the back of the truck and closed up the trailer to wait it out.

Although Dodger was a little stressed about all the moving, he was thrilled by one simple fact... WINDOWS! Remember, we have been basement dwellers for nearly 6 years, so having windows to look out was a real treat. Dodger spent quite a bit of time on the edge of the bed looking out.

No, this was not a set up. We put Pierscen beside Dodger, and he did the rest. I really think these two are going to be great friends.

After the rain stopped, we finished unloading and sorting and the boys left for the storage unit. It look longer than anticipated, but they finally returned with pizza for dinner and we were able to blow up the air mattresses and relax for the evening.

At one point during all of this, I heard Dodger start to bark. I recognized that bark as his, "I'm stuck" bark. Sure enough, when I walked the in bedroom, there he was in the crib. He wanted to check out P's quarters and managed to get in, but couldn't figure out how to get back out. Goofy dog.

We set up this little box ladder system so that he would be able to look out the living room window. Besides just making him happy, the main reason we did it was so that when we left the apt, he would have a way to see us. We figured if he actually saw us drive away, he wouldn't spend the whole time yapping at the door. He did this at home when we would leave him in the backyard. He would whine until he saw us get in the car. Then he would turn around and go entertain himself. We took turns leaving the apt, walking outside and calling to him to see if he would jump up on the boxes. It took some training and coaxing, but it eventually worked.

Friday night we were "entertained" by the upstairs neighbors drunk fest. Ryan warned us that it was likely seeing as it had been like clockwork for the 2 months he had already been there. It starts off with friends and friendliness, but ends in yelling, screaming, stopping, swearing, threatening, etc. We called the appartment manager sometime during the early hours and followed up with a call to the cops. We watched the cops arrive and come inside, the yelling stopped, and all seemed well. Until about 9 am when it resumed. I didn't hear anything real specific, but in the past in has involved, "I will kill you, *#$)@" and "What are you going to do? Hit me again?" If it was just yelling, maybe that would be one thing. But violence and death threats? Yeah... so we called the appartment manager again. She told us that she was 20 minutes out and that she was on her way with the police to evict them. This had been a long time coming with Ryan actually calling both parties multiple times before. But I guess it finally worked. And although it is sad that they had to be evicted, it's for the better. While we were waiting for the cops to show up, we watched the girl from upstairs carrying out her belongings to the car. At one point she stopped and yelled to the window above, "Why don't you shut up before someone calls the cops on us again?!" Too late... Unfortunately Ryan has seen her move out before... It's so sad! Why do relationships like that persist? They are so unhealthy! The cops did eventually arrive and they tenants have indeed been evicted. No more drunk fests on Friday nights. So thankful!

Saturday morning, Ryan actually had to go into work for a little while. He asked me to drive him so that in case any of us needed to go anywhere, we would just use our car instead of unhitching the trailer to use the truck. A few streets before Ryan's work, he made a left-hand turn and pulled over. 

"What are we doing? Don't you have to be to work?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "But you have an appointment right there at 11:00." He pointed across the street to a place called Bamboo.

A day spa! 

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yup." He handed me the keys and told me he would walk the rest of the way to work, but not before he walked me into Bamboo and made sure that everything was ready to go.

I was so overwhelmed with gratitude. Honestly, could a girl get more lucky? I don't think so! I really love getting a professional massage, but I also feel so out of place. Spas always seem so fancy and ritzy. I am just a Plain Jane girl that wears jeans and baggy t-shirts. But still, I won't turn down the chance to be pampered. 

And pampered I was. The massage was wonderful and relaxing and it ended with their signature "Rain Forest Shower" which is basically a gigantic shower head in a stone shower, but it was pretty darn lovely. 

After I was done, I drove back to the appartment where Joey, Clair and Ellen had been busy putting things away the best they could. The place was pretty much all set up! It was way nice!

Saturday afternoon once Ryan was home we decided to let Pierscen try out rice cereal for the first time. He was 5 1/2 months... so technically he could have started around 4 months, but our pediatrician told us to wait. (It all just depends on the pediatrician and honestly I don't think it would have made that big of a difference. Oh well.)

He actually took the first couple of bites like a seasoned champion. He seemed to know exactly what it was and was quite excited.

And then he started to scream...



And like good parents, I just stood there laughing and taking pictures while Ryan recorded it. Haha. I think he was frustrated by the slow pace. He wanted the cereal, but didn't want to have to take it in such small amounts. This is how the first week or two of feedings went. He would only take a few spoonfuls, then hold it in his mouth and cry until we washed it down with a bottle. Baby steps.

Sunday was nice and low key. We were all able to go to church and enjoy the afternoon. By evening however, I was beginning to feel a dark cloud of sadness creeping in. It was really the first sign of any emotions I had really felt about the move. Suddenly it was becoming real. This was it. The family was leaving in the morning. I felt a wave of panic and anxiety wrap around me. I did my best to keep a light attitude that evening, but it didn't work very well. I was moody and teary eyed. 

Monday morning I put on a brave face, but there were still plenty of tears shed. 

Clair, Ellen and Joey decided to take off the same time Ryan did, so we walked out as a family to say goodbye. I cried and cried as we stood on the sidewalk and waved goodbye to both parties. When they were out of sight, I walked back inside with Pierscen and tried to get a hold of myself. I decided right then and there that I deserved a "do nothing" day so I could wallow if I wanted to. 

And that is exactly what I did. I watched lots of Bones and just hung out with my boys. I told myself that tomorrow was another day and that I had the rest of forever to be productive. I think it needed it too. 

Despite the difficulties of saying goodbye, this is where we are supposed to be and I know we will love it here. It is way hard to leave family and everything you know behind, but that's part of the grand adventure. Grow where you are planted, right?

And just as vowed, the next day, and several days, I jumped into life here with both feet and started running. Things have been wonderful. But that's material for another post. Or ten. 

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