A couple of years ago, when my parent's dog Abby had her puppies, we brought Dodger over to see how he would react to them. At this point they were old enough to be running around outside and ready for a new home. Dodger was freaked out by them. One little in puppy in particular was enamored by him and chased him around and around. Dodger shuffled around the yard, his tail between his legs, staying a few feet in front of her, and eventually jumped up on the stairs where he knew he was safe. It was hilarious.
Well I don't know what changed in that time, but Dodger has attached himself to Pierscen in such a sweet way.
The first night home was an adventure. Less because of the lack of sleep, team-tagging diaper changes and consolation holding, but because Dodger was very curious, and worried about the little bundle in the bassinet that kept squeaking. Dodger couldn't see him, but knew he was in there. Each time I got up to either take Pierscen in or out of the bassinet, Dodger would follow along. Once I was back in bed, and closed my eyes, we began hearing a soft, "Thwamp. Thwamp. Thwamp." I sat up in bed to see what was going on and found Dodger at the side of the bassinet jumping up and down trying to get a peak inside. Ryan picked him up and allowed him to see inside and assured him that the baby was just fine. But after that, he got a bit of a scolding each time he jumped up on, or near the bassinet. We lost most our sleep that night because of the dog, but since then, he has been much better. He still wakes up and watches carefully as we move Pierscen in and out. He will still come up and sniff him to make sure he is okay, but thankfully, he sleeps much more restfully - so long as he knows that Pierscen is okay.
If he starts crying, Dodger runs to find him, and if possible, will kiss his ears and try to make him feel better. The other day I had Pierscen on the changing table trying to clean up a minor blow out diaper. Pierscen was screaming, understandably. Dodger came running into the room and jumped up on the chair next to the table. He began to whine and put his front paws on my back and started pawing away. He jumped down and ran to the side of the table and hoped up and down whimpering until I had finished cleaning Pierscen up and lowered him down to Dodger's level. He frantically licked his ears until all crying had stopped and he was satisfied that he was okay.
Just last night, Ryan was playing fetch with Dodger and each time he brought the toy back, instead of bringing it to Ryan, he brought it to Pierscen and dropped it on his lap. How cute is that?
But perhaps the funniest, and most endearing thing, has been Dodger's desire to snuggle. He loves to sit on our laps or curl up with us in bed. And the other day we found that this natural tendency of his extends even to our tiny little boy.

Ryan was working on the computer and turned to see that Dodger had climbed onto the bouncer seat and curled himself up on Pierscen's lap, if you can call it that. Notice how all you can see is Pierscen's head at the top? Ryan quickly ushered him off the chair, because as cute as it was, baby is still just a little too small for that. I asked Ryan if he thought Dodger was trying to cuddle or show him who was Alfa, but we both feel he was just cuddling. He has done the same thing now while I was nursing the baby too. I was using the Boppy pillow and Dodger climbed up and laid on the edge of the pillow, right against Pierscen's back the first time, and then directly on top of him the second time. Oh dear. Ryan looked up online why dogs do that, and it all stems from their natural instinct to puppy pile for warmth and comfort. So it's pretty clear Dodger views Pierscen as his little hairless (except his head) brother.
I can definitely see these two being best friends for a long time. (Especially when Pierscen gets big enough to share his food.) I am so grateful he has turned out to be such a sweet, loving dog. It sure makes things easier. And now we know Dodger will always be there, waiting for his best buddy and keeping his seat warm while he waits. What more could you ask for?

How cute! He loves his baby brother!