We checked into the hosptial at 5:30 am. It's a pretty quiet place at that hour. They showed us our triage room and as I walked in, one of the nurses laughed and said, "I don't think you are actually pregnant. I think you just have a basketball under there!" Very kind of her. That must have been a really BIG basketball. Haha.
This part was much easier and relaxing than the Casper check-in for one big reason: they waited to place the catheter until AFTER the spinal block. Hallelujah! This was one of the only questions I had for my doctor early on in the pregnancy. The fact that they did it beforehand in Casper was horrible. It hurts and it makes you feel like you have a UTI for 2 hours before you even go back for surgery. It's awful. So this was a win for Albuquerque!
Ryan and I watched YouTube funnies and an episode of The Office before heading back. Like I said - it was pretty laid back. :)
Another change, neither for the good or bad, was that they had me walk back to the OR room this time. With P, obviously that wasn't possible as I had an epidural and had been in labor for 14 hours. With Devry I wasn't numb, but they wheeled me back and had me switch beds.
This time around I felt a lot better going into it. Likely because I wasn't shaking from the catheter. (I'm not kidding about how awful that was.) With Devry I was already super nauseous and shaking well before I made it to the OR. Ryan even commented when they let him back how much better I seemed to be doing. Don't get me wrong, it still isn't a great experience and it's not like I felt wonderful, but it was WAY better than anything I had experienced before. And since was my third time, I concentrated on breathing, relaxing, and thinking positively.
It's amazing how quick the actual delivery is. They do a pinch test to make sure you are numb and then start the clock and go to town. The smell isn't pleasant. They cauterize things as they go to help with bleeding. It's hard to describe the smell of burning flesh. Haha! It's gross, but you get used to it I suppose. As they near the end, they lean into your upper abdomen and push down really hard. It doesn't hurt necessarily, but it does make you want to puke. But that's the final moment before baby is free.
At 8:25 baby boy made his entrance into the world. There is this indescribable moment with c-sections where you find yourself holding your breath, waiting and listening, unable to see for yourself and just wondering... and then the trembling cry from your baby comes and nothing else in the world matters. They are here! They are okay! Then the tears come and you shake with relief and emotion. And cry. And cry. And cry.
The Anesthesiologist said as baby boy was being pulled from my tummy, "Oh look! He's bald!" I looked to Ryan and asked, "Is he really?" Ryan shook his head. "No, I don't think so." Just for the record, apparently blonde babies look bald when they come out. Haha. He does not have as much hair as Pierscen, but he definitely wasn't bald. :)
Another win for Albuquerque was that they let Ryan cut the umbilical chord. Sort of. I guess not initially because the process of pulling the baby out, making sure it is breathing and then getting it out of the way so that the doctor can being putting mom back together, goes pretty quick. But once they moved baby aside, they invited Ryan back to cut the chord shorter. Hey! It's more than we've ever been able to do before!
Though he was able to cry, apparently he got a good swallow of fluid on the way out and they spent some time suctioning and making sure he was okay. We struggling with gagging for the first couple of days because of this, but it was nothing major.
Then the most amazing thing happened.
I got to hold my baby.
I actually got to hold my baby!
This may seem like a no brainer, but this is something I will NEVER take for granted. With c-sections, your arms are strapped down on arm rests out from your body. When Pierscen was born, I was still strapped down. I got to give him an awkward kiss on the forehead while Ryan held him near me for a little bit, and then off he went. Progress was made with Devry when they allowed me to have one arm free and cradle her for a second before Ryan and baby left the room.
But this time as soon as they did their initial checks, they brought him over, moved my gown and let me have true skin to skin time on my chest. I've never had this before. Both of my arms were free to love and hold him. They even let him nurse right then and there which he did. Very willingly, I might add! Haha. He honestly came out rooting around. "I'm hungry! Where's my mom?!" I got to hold him the ENTIRE time while they stitched me back together. Even when the nausea kicked in full force and I had to request the emesis basin to puke in... over my little newborn's body, I might add. Ha! Yes, I puked while he nursed like it was no big deal. And it wasn't. Because I was holding my baby!
And the magic continued when after they finished putting me back together, they let me keep holding him as they wheeled me to my room. Not a recovery room. But my actual room where I was able to wait for feeling to return to my legs WITH my baby. With Pierscen they gave me medicine to let me rest after the long ordeal, so I don't actually remember getting to hold Pierscen until hours later. With Devry, ugh. I hated it. After those first few moments and a kiss or two, they took her away to do the bath and all that while I went to a recovery room and sat alone, staring at my feet, willing my toes to move. I couldn't go to my room until feeling returned. But this time, my room was my recovery room and I was never separated from my baby. He only left the room once the entire stay and that was for the circumcision the next day. It was amazing. I cannot say enough about how special that was.
Yes, I continued to puke. I knew I would, and knowing that somehow makes it more bearable. But they were really on top of things and giving me medication to help slow it down. I remember with Devry I don't think I was able to eat for about 24 hours because I couldn't keep anything down. (Granted, we figured out late that night that I had a spinal headache and that greatly added to the misery.) But by afternoon, I was able to eat jello and crackers and by evening, I had dinner like normal. It was great! Throwing up sucks, but it was managed so much better this time!
I put Ryan in charge of my phone to keep the family updated. It wasn't until a couple hours later that I became suspicious about what he might be saying due to a little smirk I saw in passing. I demanded my phone back. Keep in mind that even though I busted him on his prank around 11 am, it wasn't until 7 pm that it dawned on me that he had been posting things under my name. (I knew he had my phone, but for some reason, since I knew he was the one posting things, I thought it was under his name. Nope, he was texting as me, which is why people believed him...)
Conversation with my side of the family:
Ryan: Carlos Dominic - 6 lbs 13 oz, 19 3/4"
Mom is a little sick but staff are all over it. Very attentive and proactive. Carlos is happy, and more than happy to nurse.
"Me": I am so glad Carlos, our Carlos, made it safe. He is such a good baby! Thank you for everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Necia: Yea for baby!!! Congrats!
Karla: A Hispanic name?
"Me": We just feel it is right.
Sabrina: I love it!!!
Necia: Does he have hair??? So excited to see him!!
At this point I got my phone back and jumped in for reals to the conversation. Ryan was bummed he didn't have more time to play with it.
Me: His name is NOT Carlos. Don't listen to him! I've been puking too much to take part in this conversation. Ryan thinks he is hilarious.
(You can tell it hadn't dawned on me that all those posts were written under my name. If I had, it should have read "Don't listen to me!" Haha. Or clarified that he had my phone...)
Ryan: :)
Necia: Hahahahahaha
Sabrina: Dang it guys. I actually really liked that.
Necia: I just figured he really liked New Mexico. Ok what's his real name? Ryan, that's minus 50 miles for your team now!
Ryan: :p
Fred: Hold up now Necia. This is not Harry Potter. You cannot just strike house points from us like that. And if you do, this is like book one where he may lose 50 points for selling false info, but gets 60 for being quick witted and clever.
Ryan: (Thumbs up)
Me: And yes, he has hair. :) He pretty much hasn't stopped nursing since he was born so we will send pictures later. They do the first real bath about 6 hours after birth.
Necia: Well we still don't know the name!
Fred: Fred Fred Fred! Cannot go wrong with that name. Or Kcirederf. That's Frederick backwards but great all the same.
Necia: I'm dying laughing! Between you and Ryan it's been quite funny.
(During this we learned that Devry had a couple of accidents and was not interested in seeing the picture of mom and baby again. Yikes...)
Fred: I bet she (Devry) will ask if there is a return policy.
Karla: Are you keeping the receipt? I have a sweet new doll baby I'll give her when we get home from the hospital.
Fred: I am all for Latino names. Beautiful people with beautiful names. Just my opinion. If we can be grafted into the house of Israel, why can't I be a Jose?
Karla: Fred, embrace who you are!
Fred: Hola. Me llamo Frederico. Que tal? Me sobrino Carlos nacio how y quiero conocerlo. Translation. Hello. My name is Frederick. My nephew Carlos was born today and I want to meet him.
Me: you know, Pierscen might be okay with Carlos if we refuse Arnold Jr. Carlos is another Magic School Bus character known for horrible puns.
Jari: It's no wonder Fred has a connection to him then. :)
Fred: Whatever you decide I am supporting. And when you recognize how you sold him short I am happy to pay for the administrative and corut fees to change his name to Fred when the time is right. ;)
Necia: (Laughing)
Fred: Though I might have to start donating plasma again to cover the costs as someone (cough Jari cough) may not support the name change.
Ryan: Ricardo was a near plausibility.
Karla: Remember you were named for the Prince Frederick of Denmark.
Fred: Almost didn't get a first date with the girl because of a name. Clearly she missed out on the Shakespeare when Juliet gave her rose speech.
Necia: Man, where was Messenger when I was having kids? We could have had great laughs over names then!
Fred: Ricardo. Me gusta!
Necia: That's true. Jari said she didn't want to date a Fred!
Fred: Jari told Charlotte today that we are all good at different things. I am good at math and science. Jari is good with the English language. To this she replied, "So the reason dad isn't good at English like you is because he is Danish?"
* * *
Me: (I think it was the next day by this point)
Darren Milo.
Even Pierscen has started calling him Darren rather than Arnold Jr, so we better run with it. Haha!
Fred: (Thumbs up)
Necia: Sounds good! I'm calling him Carlos just for kicks and giggles! Welcome to the family Darren!
Thus ended the name saga... on my side. Yes, I included way more of that conversation than was truly necessary, but the whole thing was hilarious. I love my family.
Pictured above, Ryan changing the first diaper. Pictured below, sweet snuggles with my boy. And proof that he had plenty of hair!
Conversation with Ryan's side:
Ryan: Carlos Dominic. 6 lbs 13 oz, 19 3/4".
Mom is a little sick but staff are all over it. Very attentive and proactive. Carlos is happy, and more than happy to nurse.
Ellen: Wait what are you really naming Arnold Jr?
"Me": We thought long and hard and Carlos just feels right. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Ryan S: Congratulations!!!
Me: His name is NOT Carlos! Ryan thinks he is hilarious. (I managed to intervene a lot sooner on this one.)
Ryan S: (Crying laughing emoji)
Me: This is what happens when Ryan has both phones and I am too busy puking.
Ryan S: I wanted to ask but saw "your response" so I was like well... Albuquerque must have a strong influence on you guys.
Cameron: I was going to blame the mailman... but thought better.
Me: Ryan has been pushing for a New Mexico name for a while. We are as gringo as it gets though, so no.
Ellen: I was going to ask if I should embroidery his name on the blanket
Me: Probably not any name Ryan gives you. ;)
Matt: Thor is a good name...
Ryan S: I second that.
Cameron: Thor because it hurts.
Ellen: What a cutie!
Ryan S: Beautiful baby!
Matt: He's sooo cute. ... I always wanted to name a boy Trevor Knight Otis... or TKO. He would of been a legend on the football field.... but I couldn't figure out the formula apparently...
Jodi: Congratulations! He's so cute! Want to kiss those cheeks.
Ryan S: Crying laughing emoji
Cameron: He kinda looks like a Jared. He is cute though. Or a Westley. Either way I am sure Ryan will be in the doghouse for something.
As for his REAL name... we had told both parents what we were most likely going to name him, so that's why "my" commentary about Carlos came as a big surprise. Still, we decided to wait a while after he was born to see if that was really going to be the name. As to where it came from...
One day, about a month out from delivery, I was searching baby name websites alphabetically. When I found one that was okay, I would text it to Ryan. I came across Darren and suddenly remembered that as a child/teen, I really LOVED that name. I don't know why. I didn't know a Darren and I don't even remember where I heard it. I do remember being in dance class once when I was 11? 12? and my teacher's husband came by. His name was Darren. I actually stepped out of the studio for a brief second just to tell him I liked his name. Weird, I know. But then I forgot about the name until that moment scrolling through a website. Ryan really liked it too. Shortly after that we were going through our family trees searching for possible names. Low and behold, somewhere on my tree way up in the branches, was the name Darren! I don't know what side and I'm not sure how long it would take me to find it again, but there it was! So yes, it is indeed a family name.
Then there was Milo. Milo is a family name on Ryan's side. It is his great great grandpa. I actually didn't love the name Milo too much, but it was a good family name. So we kept it in the running. After Ryan's parents came to visit us in August, we told them we were thinking of Darren Milo. They in turn told Ryan's grandpa. He got really excited about it. Milo was his grandpa. He proceeded to tell Ryan's parents all about him. He was Holden's blacksmith, and his shop is still on grandpa's property. (I've been in there once and it really was like stepping back in time. I had no idea that's what it was though.) Milo was also a self taught electrician and brought electricity to Holden. He was on the receiving end and would then jump on his bike and pedal around town delivering messages. If there was anything he was interested in, he would just teach himself. Hearing about this it was like hearing them describe my own husband. This is Ryan to a T!
It was interesting because going into things, we were sure about Darren and on the fence about Milo. But after learning that, it was for sure Milo, and maybe Darren. We went back and forth about whether it should be Darren Milo or Milo Darren, but we liked Darren for a first name better. (Though in retrospect, having another D name has been difficult - Diana, Devry, Darren and Dodger. Maybe we will end up calling him Milo! Who knows.)
It wasn't until the day after he was born when the registration girl said she was coming for the paperwork that we decided yes, it was Darren Milo. What's really funny is that we had told Pierscen we liked the name Darren and he responded, "I'm never going to remember that!" and continue to vote for Arnold Jr. But that night, after he was born, Ryan started calling him Darren and Pierscen said, "Huh. That's a pretty good name!" Hahaha. Okay then. Darren it is. :)
Grandma and Devry came to say hello first. I actually don't have any pictures of that. Not sure why. Devry was sweet, but quiet. Sat by my side, was very careful of my owie, and just watched me feed him. They went home for a rest and came back with the most excited, proud big brother in the world:
Pierscen was in absolute heaven! Devry was perfectly content to sit with Pierscen, but didn't care to hold the baby. She had her lip gloss, which she stole from my mom and claimed as hers from that point forward, and was happy enough with that. :) She never acted jealous or angry. Just not overly interested. She thought he was cute and she would give kisses, but she was fine with Pierscen being in charge. (Don't worry, she has since warmed up to him a lot and is fiercely protective of him.)
Grandma and Darren: So happy she could be here for this!
First family of five photo. This is a pretty accurate portrait of things. Pierscen was about to burst he was so happy and Devry was content to snuggle with mom.
While the kids were visiting, the nurse came in to give him his first real bath. This is something different than the older two as well. With Pierscen and Devry, this was done a lot sooner and took place in the nursery. This hospital doesn't have a nursery - 100% rooming in. They also wait a while longer to wash them because they find it helps them stay warm and keeps their blood sugar level or something crazy like that. The kids enjoyed watching her give him his sponge bath and scrub his hair. And it was neat to finally be there for it!
Sweet pictures with my boys - and accurate depiction of Devry's interest in the background. She spent most of the time with Grandma. Here they are watching a video of a book about a dog that babysits a baby and all the trouble they get into. I don't remember what it was called, but it was one that the nurse recommended.
A couple things that were really neat about little Darren is that he wanted to hold his head up from the moment he was born. He was also super alert! Many of the nurses commented on it too. It was very special to see these two interact. Darren is one lucky boy to have Pierscen as a big brother.
And here you can see that possibly part of Devry's lack of interest was pure exhaustion. I really don't think she felt good. They both passed out watching something.
And in her 2 3/4 years of life, she has never ever cuddled/slept like that. It was time for daddy to head home and help get the kids fed and in bed.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. The throwing up subsided. I ate a delicious dinner. I was able to get up and walk around without my head exploding. All great things!
Ryan came back later to spend some time with us, and then went home to bed.
I have to admit that the rooming in thing had me nervous. With the other two I at least had the option of sending them to the nursery for a while. But this time around it was just us. The hardest part is the logistics of trying to get your baby out of the bassinet after being cut open. It is so dang hard! But it was also nice to have him with me the whole time. True bonding.
Lots of awake time! I have hundreds of pictures that are practically the same. Haha. You'll see lots of those in the posts to come. :)
I am so grateful for this experience. It was night and day different from my previous two. And I am especially grateful for a loving and merciful Heavenly Father. Ryan gave me a Priesthood blessing before we came in and it spoke peace to both our hearts. Yes, the recovery is long and difficult, but everything went so well. I am grateful to the staff who were kind, thoughtful, professional, and considerate. I am thankful beyond words for my mom coming and taking care of my family. We couldn't have done it without her!
And most of all, I am thankful for this wonderful boy. Thank you for choosing to join our family. You are loved more than you will ever know.
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