Thursday, March 1, 2018

Dev's First Haircut

I finally decided the time had come to get Devry a hair cut. I actually loved her long hair - when it was down and naturally just a little wavy. But it was so many different lengths. The ends were in horrible shape from being twisted and snapped off with the knots. My friend Liz agreed to do it. I talked to Devry a bunch to prepare her and to make sure she knew that Liz was doing it because she went to school to learn how. (Please don't try this on your own, Dev!) I was nervous she would have a hard time, but she was an absolute champ! She sat perfectly still and did exactly as Liz told her. And wow! What a difference!



I love how helpful Henry was holding the mirror so she could see. It was really cute.

And after! It looks so much better!

AND! She stopped twisting her hair! (It has since been a few months and she is starting to twist again, so maybe we just need to keep it trimmed, but it was still a big relief). Thank you Liz!

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