Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Craziest Six Months We Could Manage

We made it to the mighty half birthday! (And almost two months beyond...) I do have to say, I think the first six months of this kid's life have definitely been a tad bit more crazy than most... but he has come through it with flying colors.

We actually flew to San Diego, California on his 6 month birthday. We originally told him that it was his 6 month birthday present, but then thought better of it. Can't afford to have future siblings demanding San Diego trips for their 6 month mark. ;)

Unfortunately, since we were still in the waiting process to hear back from the doctor's office about whether he would accept us as a new patient or not, I don't have "official" six month stats. 

However, I can still throw out some fun little facts about our happy boy. His happiness is pretty much always the first thing I mention month to month. Some days it amazes me how happy he is. We are so lucky.

Even though this wasn't "by" 6 months, it happened like a week later... actually less... so I will mention it anyway. As soon as we got back from San Diego we tried the rice cereal thing again like usual. This time, however, he attacked it like he had never eaten before. He snarfed it down! So we started introducing other things. Carrots were a HUGE hit. I started out with a small amount and he polished them off so fast that he started yelling - and I mean YELLING until I got him some more. Ever since he has been a champion eater. The only thing he hasn't loved was honeydew. That was a surprise to me. I mean, it's pretty sweet and delicious stuff. I didn't push it and tried it again a while later, this time mixed with bananas. He is a fan. :)

He says "Mom" "Mamma" or "Mum" on a regular basis. Of course, I know it really has nothing to do with me, but it's still cute. I mentioned this to my mother-in-law and her response was, "Whatever! If he says anything close to 'grandma' I am taking it very personally!"

The boy is a kicker! We knew that from the time he was in the womb, but it's still crazy to see. We are positive that as soon as he learns to walk - he will run!

These two videos weren't taken right at 6 months, but they just highlight some of his crazy legs-in-motion action. He does it on his stomach too. He will push himself up, then drop down and Superman/swim. I think we need to get him into track or swimming. :)

Stats will follow once we are accepted by a doctor around here. In the mean time, suffice it to say, as always, that we are in love. Pierscen is amazing. I don't know what I did to deserve him, but I thank my Heavenly Father each and every day for the blessing he is in my life.

1 comment:

  1. That kicking cracks me up! He really is such a happy guy. I couldn't believe how happy he was on such a lack of sleep these last few times!
