The little guy loved the paper on the table. It made a great crinkling noise and was lots of fun to tear apart. Easy entertainment.
He was getting pretty tired, so I was a little worried how well he was going to cope while waiting for the doctor. He was the champ though. (The crinkly paper really helped.)
His 7 month stats include:
Weight: 14th percentile - 16.5 lbs. Still a little guy... but that's 4% up from last time. And now I really don't care. He is eating well and he is growing. That's all that matters. No more stress about reaching the limit for surgery.
Height: 23rd percentile - 26(ish) inches. (He didn't give me the printout, so I am trying to remember for sure. I know it was somewhere in there.)
Head: 44th percentile.
The doctor was very impressed with his head shape. He praised and praised his surgeons and said Pierscen looked awesome. The nurse that took care of him said her daughter had the same thing. Granted it was 20+ years ago, but she too was very impressed with how good his head looks.
Unfortunately it was shot day. But the good news is that he doesn't have to have any more until 12 months. Shots are always so sad. But they are for the best. I promise!
As soon as I got him dressed he had stopped crying. We went home and put him right to bed. But just to prove that he did indeed recover and that he is just as dandy as ever:
Between 6 and 7 months he has roughly doubled the foods he has tried. He is insanely mobile. No crawling yet, but he can get anywhere he wants by rolling and scooting. Hands are a huge fascination of his. He loves it if you wiggle your fingers in front of him. His little hands and feet will start going crazy. It's way cute. He loves Dodger. Anything Dodger does makes him smile and laugh. Especially is he manages to grab a hold of him. He is still wearing 3-6 month size clothes and they fit just fine. A few of the outfits are starting to look a little small, but for the most part, they all work. Once we move into our new place I will move him into the next size. I just don't want to dig through those boxes and switch things out now when we will be doing that again soon anyway.
We love our little guy!
Yay Pierscen!!! Cute little guy. Shots are rough. you know one time Logan didn't even cry? Crazy kid.