Friday, September 29, 2017

Random August Endings

Just a couple random pictures:

Goggle lady, and trips to Target (with Harper, naturally, and sporting Elmo slippers.)

My last few OB checkups were in the morning, so we were able to walk there and back. It is exactly 1 mile each way. One the way back, we spotted a roadrunner dashing along the wall and stopped to watch it. Such fun birds. 

A week and two days to go. Oi.

Remember this unicorn "kitty" from Utah? Well Dev had forgotten about it until she saw me blogging. Then everyday she kept begging, "Go to grandmas? Get kitty back!" So I looked up stores that carried them and decided to surprise her. We went to Barnes and Noble. They have a huge selection of the big-eyed beanie babies, but Devry spotted "kitty" right away. She ran up to it, pulled it from the self and shouted with glee, "There it is! It was here!!!" Totally melted my heart. 

That evening, I explained to the boys that she calls it "kitty" and that it was no big deal. Apparently this stressed them both out - which is at least semi understandable as she has two other stuffed animals that are indeed cats. They kept trying to get her to say "unicorn" but it just wasn't sticking. As she was climbing in bed she came up with a compromise that was totally adorable. Meet "Kittycorn"! The name was an instant hit and she has been a prominent figure in Devry's life since. :)

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