Sunday, May 28, 2017

All of the January Happenings

Fun and random things from January...

This amazing portrait of Jesus appearing in the clouds. I especially love Pierscen's use of mixed media. ;)

Our friend Lauriel from Wyoming sent the kids these cute pjs. 

Tallon came to town and I was able to borrow my friends pass to Explora. I think this was only my second time going and I realized just how little we had explored! (That's still true even after this visit.) This picture below is a really cool room. They have cards that you can color of vehicles, U.F.O.'s, or houses. Then you scan them and it "drops" it into an interactive scene. You can see your item driving/flying/dancing around and even "play" with it by touching the image and moving it. It's incredible. The last time we went it was an aquarium scene. Super cool.

It was really fun having Tallon there this time because he was just as into the experiments and toys as the kids were. I didn't know that he was an electrical engineering major before he switched to aviation. They spend a bunch of time in this room connecting circuits and making things work. 

Of course he was also drawn to the air section where you can fly a small plane. We had a great time. We headed home where Tallon joined us, as well as the missionaries, for dinner. Ryan then took him back to the hotel. It was a great visit. Thanks for coming Tallon!

Proof that it does indeed snow in Albuquerque...

Pictures from the preschool's new unit: Around the World. (These people are incredible!!!)

And lastly, Necia sent me a box that also included this fantastic Albuquerque hoodie that was once upon a time Samantha's. I thought it was really neat that Necia held onto this hoodie for so long. She even told me that a long time ago she planned on getting rid of it and then decided that she would hold onto it for a while - not sure why. Then we moved down here. Very cool. She has always been one to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. 

Another good month in the books. 

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